His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank, Mr. Mustafa Ghaleb Mokhief, visited this morning the Islamic Finance Bank for Investment as part of his series of inspection tours of local banks to see their conditions and ways to improve their business and develop their banking services and products. He was greeted upon his arrival by the managing director of the bank, Mrs. Alia Amer Majid, who welcomed that visit and gave a brief explanation of the bank’s establishment, the nature of its work, the services and products it provides, the financial and administrative restructuring since the new administration assumed its duties, and the stages of work and achievement it made. It included the development and improvement of investment and credit services and products to comply with the customers’ needs and desires, which are the focus of our attention and we put them at the forefront of our priorities. It also included the development and modernization of the infrastructure, the banking system, remittance and payment systems, electronic services, bank cards and ATMs, and expansion and spread through currently working on opening branches New and increasing the number of customers of the bank qualitatively and quantitatively. It indicated that the bank continued its efforts to enhance the quality of the credit portfolio, the effectiveness of credit risk management, and the preservation of the strength of the capital base and financial position. For his part, His Excellency the Governor stressed the importance of upgrading and developing banking services and exploiting the initiatives provided by the Central Bank aimed at providing financing to banks in lending to individuals and projects and meeting their financing needs, and that he is following the development of work and achievement in the bank and its willingness to provide support and assistance to overcome the obstacles it faces in that.

The visit of His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of the Islamic Capital Investment Bank
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