Why Choose Us
Al Mal Islamic Investment Bank is quick to perform
its transactions for all customers
Al Mal Islamic Investment Bank was established in 2018 with a capital of (100,000,000,000) Iraqi dinars and according to the requirements of the Central Bank of Iraq, the bank increased the capital in phases from the years (2019-2021) to reach a total paid-up capital of (250,000,000,000) Iraqi dinars and -in a short time- became one of the leading banks on local and regional levels, offering advanced banking services to all its customers for the individual and corporate sectors.
Al Mal Islamic Investment Bank seeks to become a major bank in the field of banking services and expansion in the banking field through thoughtful financial management and the consolidation of culture in risk management and costs by professional banking staff and the network of broad local and international relations as well as advanced technological banking systems in banking provided to customers such as documentary credit and money transfers
Since the early days of the establishment of Al Mal Islamic Investment Bank, the Bank has established a completely independent pillar for regulatory compliance, in accordance with the regulations of the Central Bank of Iraq and to ensure accuracy and transparency in all banking operations, as the Bank established the Internal Control and Audit Department, Compliance Department, Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Department; Reports to the Board Audit and Compliance Committee in accordance with the Bank’s hierarchy
Through our new network of modern branches and electronic services, Al Mal Islamic Investment Bank is offering credit facilities granted under the SME financing program for financing development projects (small and medium projects) guaranteed by the Central Bank of Iraq and contributing to supporting the monetary policy.
Al Mal Islamic Investment Bank has established so far 3 branches in the heart of the commercial and financial district of Baghdad (with plans to open 3 more branches in commercially active governances in the north and south of Iraq) covering important and vital commercial areas in Baghdad, taking in consideration modern branch design and offering all bank services to our clients, including digital services through ATM machines in branches and point-of-sale all over Iraq through a partnership with a leading regional digital payment services partner (Arab Payment Services-APS) covering card issuance offering services for cash, purchase, e-Commerce, and bill payment. APS network expands all over Iraq
As part of Al Mal Islamic Investment Bank’s commitment to deliver to its customers innovative banking solutions that are both Shari’a-compliant and in line with their specific banking needs, Al Mal Islamic Investment Bank has contracted with the regions leading banking technology provider ICSFS London to provide the bank with latest robust digital core banking system compliant with Islamic Shari’a and covering all Shari’a financial and banking products covering: Murabaha, Musharaka, Istisna’a, Mudaraba, Al-Qard Al-Hasan, Ijarah, Sukuk, etc. backed up with latest innovative digital finance covering web, mobile, SMS, ATM, POS, POC, and eCommerce channels and transactions.
We are honored to cooperate with you by opening an account with your respected bank for the purpose of exchanging external banking services and facilitating the task of issuing documentary credits, external transfers and other investment services, and we hope to receive your approval and serious cooperation between us
Always On Time
We are always on time to serve our customers.
Hard Working
Our professional staff can serve any business scale.
We can serve your business any time through our online apps.

Vision and Mission
- To understand the diversity of clients and accommodate diverse customers’ financial needs.
- Provide products and services that promote ethics in accordance with Islamic principles.
- Provide comfortable access through various means anytime and anywhere.
- Make a positive contribution to society and care for people.
- Create opportunities to prosper.
- Al Mal Islamic Investment Bank seeks to meet the diverse banking needs of customers in accordance with the provisions of Islamic law.
- Al Mal Islamic Investment Bank rejects all forms of sectarianism, racism, and discrimination
- To be the most innovative bank for our customers, people and communities
We are always ready fully to meet your needs
We are always on time to Serve our customers; our professional staff can serve any business scale at any time.
Board of Directors
Haider Talib Ali
Ata’a Abdel Reda Abdel Latif
vice president